march forth

Shattery and fragile feeling from the state of the world, I imagine most people are feeling the same.  Today we’re walking around the house refreshing our earthquake kit and making lists of survival things we still need to get. I have rarely had a good earthquake kit ready to go in the 15 years I’ve lived in an earthquake zone, which is totally irresponsible.

The simple act of taking a break to pick flowers in the yard & arrange bouquets is both calming & gratitudemaking. Calla lilies, freesia, tulips, camellias, dusty miller, ranunculus, cyclamen.


  1. Excuse me, did you say all those flowers came from YOUR yard?! I’m completely and totally jealous right now. That is fabulous. Fresh flowers in the house make everything better! Beautiful. (Also – I think your floral arranging skills are just fine!) :)

    1. All except the freesias (though ours should pop up in a few weeks!) We tend to have year-round flowers here, at least. & my big old fashioned roses are all in bud, too!!

      I always get jealous of those big, overflowing, luscious Dutch master bouquets – but I think that’s more about having a LOT to work with than certain arranging magic. A little of both!!

    1. Sean thinks the hot cold hot cold weather is messing them up? Like the pink tulip is I guess a summer tulip, and some of our tulips had super short stems.

      We planted so many!! Sweet peas should come up next- my absolute faves.

  2. Oh my gaaahhhhhh, there is still 3 feet of snow on the ground in Minneapolis. When flowers start coming up I’ll be dancing naked in the street with my hair on fire.

  3. Wow, I can’t even imagine what a scary process it must be to gather an earthquake kit. It feels pretty unreal, even watching the footage of the destruction. I’m terrified of the earth and what it can do to us!

  4. Loving the flowers, so pretty! And for sure a nice rest for the eyes that see much destruction those days…
    Hope you earthquake kit is installed and up-to-date now!!
    Have a lovely start in the week, Kristina

  5. your flowers are beautiful…i hope you take the time to get the kit together, it can definitely make a difference…i’m sorry about the feeling fragile…it must be especially nerve-wracking being in an earthquake zone..

    1. I just feel silly for not having done it before. We packed up some stuff we do have, like emergency ponchos and flashlights and extra clothes and boots and first aid and put them in the trunk of the car. We need to put the cat carriers in an easy-to-get place, too. I hate thinking about this stuff but it’s a real possibility here. I think I’m ready to trade all-season flowers for the safety of my Vermont mountains, though!!

  6. oh, ranunculus! I’m so happy even with little bits of green in my garden, to see it all coming back to life – it must be fantastic to have so many flowers.
    love the grey scarf with the grey sweater + the bow, by the way.

    1. The people before us must have planted the callas – they’re HUGE – we cut what, like 6 or 8 for this and there’s still more. shows the plant though that was a few weeks ago – the big green shape at the back of the yard.

      The ranunculus we bought as small plants from a nursery last spring and planted in the courtyard garden and in windowboxes- they’re coming up again now without any help from us!

  7. i am always *SO* jealous of california’s flowers…

    also: love the bow!

    and: we don’t have a disaster kit either. it’s like we didn’t learn anything from the blackout or 9/11.

  8. I swear sometimes that you live in a magical land that isn’t real. Those flowers came out of your garden?! You can grow calla lilies? And those roses — incredible. I just can’t fathom how this is real. The world is dead and cold around me.

  9. I feel like I have been absent from blog land for a week! Your flowers are gorgeous. Thanks for sharing.

    I had a yard with calla lilies and roses once, and used to love to fill the house with bouquets.

  10. so gorgeous! no flowers here–we’ll be lucky to get wee, fragile wildflowers in like, may. so jealous of your garden! it is exciting when it starts to feel like spring; i took out all my spring/summer dresses even though we still have snow on the ground :)

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